
Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's showcase time again!

Yes, it's that time again. I've got three beautiful layouts to show you today.

The first one is made by Melanie. She used parts of our blogtrain It's summer, baby! to create this beautiful layout of her little daughter. Isn't she cute?

Then there's Renata. I think she loves this alpha, because it's not the first time she used it! She is scrapping her citytrip with her boys to London and this alpha just fits perfectly! She didn't only use the alpha, but she also used parts of our blogtrain It's summer, baby to create this gorgeous layout.

Last but not least, take a look at this stunning layout made my Unewillow. She made it for a template challenge at Mouse Scrappers. She used my Celebrate America and Celebrate France kits to create this beautiful layout about the France Pavillion at Epcot.

I want to thank everyone of you for letting me showcase your layouts. They've put a smile upon my face! Thanks.

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