
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Autograph book

Hi all!

I'm here to talk about something totally different today!
I was inspired by Jojo and Liesje to make an autograph book for my next Disney trip. Ok, maybe I'm way too old for such things, but I had fun making it.

I worked with So This Is Love, a beautiful kit from Sahlin Studio! Make sure to check her out at The Lilypad.

Ok, now... here are some photo's of my little project. The photos are not that good. But I took them with one hand holding the camera and the other holding the book. The lights were not that good either! But it gives you an idea of how it looks like!


The first page

And this is how the other pages look like, everypage has the name of another character and I added some blank pages as well.

Hope you'll like it!

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