
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!! It's finally here -- the day all the kiddos have been waiting for!! A day filled with costumes and candy. Halloween is such a fun holiday for all ages. Can you remember what you dressed up as for Halloween? It's also a day for snapping tons of photos of everyone trick or treating in their costumes.

To celebrate Halloween day, Kelly is bringing back from the vault a festive Halloween kit to share with you this week called 'Not So Scary'. With all the pictures you'll be taking, you'll want to have another kit handy for scrapping all those Halloween pages.


'Not So Scary' is so bright and playful. Check out those adorable ghosts and pumpkins! Plus Kelly's included all the necessary Halloween goodies like a black cat, witch's hat, bats, spider webs, skeleton, candy corn, haunted house and mask. And look at those gorgeous titles!

'Not So Scary' won't be around forever! You'll find it in Kellybell Designs Store from today through Sunday at 25% off. Make sure you grab this one before it goes back into the vault!!

And don't forget about Kelly's newest Halloween kit called 'Spooktacular'. Luckily, there's no such thing as having too many Halloween kits!! It's a holiday that offers lots of scrapping options. So while you're shopping, pick up 'Spooktacular' too!!

My pages:
Made with Not So Scary

Made with Spooktacular!

Take a peek at all the wonderful kits for sale at Kellybell Designs Store. Can't wait to see what you can scrap with these 2 Halloween kits! Have a happy and safe Halloween! Enjoy all the trick or treating!

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